Multi-Colored Cat Toy
Your kitty will love our 18-inch cat toy made from upcycled materials, we know Charlie does. ReRope is an American company that upcycles new, unused textile remnants and creates eco-friendly, USA-made, sustainably entwined rope products.
Your purchase helps support the Humane Society of St Thomas, USVI, Four Paws International work in Ukraine or the Animal Rescue of New England, Rhode Island Pet Network, and Maui Humane Society.
Please indicate what rescue you would like to donation to be applied at check out.
Your kitty will love our 18-inch cat toy made from upcycled materials, we know Charlie does. ReRope is an American company that upcycles new, unused textile remnants and creates eco-friendly, USA-made, sustainably entwined rope products.
Your purchase helps support the Humane Society of St Thomas, USVI, Four Paws International work in Ukraine or the Animal Rescue of New England, Rhode Island Pet Network, and Maui Humane Society.
Please indicate what rescue you would like to donation to be applied at check out.
Your kitty will love our 18-inch cat toy made from upcycled materials, we know Charlie does. ReRope is an American company that upcycles new, unused textile remnants and creates eco-friendly, USA-made, sustainably entwined rope products.
Your purchase helps support the Humane Society of St Thomas, USVI, Four Paws International work in Ukraine or the Animal Rescue of New England, Rhode Island Pet Network, and Maui Humane Society.
Please indicate what rescue you would like to donation to be applied at check out.